There was a time when it was unusual for members of one family to be of different faiths or denominations within the same faith. Thus, it was with Catholics for many years and to some extent, still is in some of the more traditional families. If you have a niece who is about to get married in her church within the Mass as the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony, you might not be sure what an appropriate gift might be. You could always go secular, but as her faith is important to her and her husband-to-be, you wanted to give them a special gift recognizing their faith and applauding them for it. So, what kind of gift would be best suited to such an occasion?
Catholic Wedding Gift Ideas
The best kind of gift would most likely be something religious, but specifically, something Catholic. Perhaps a freestanding cross with the intertwined wedding bands where the arms of the cross meet? This is one of the most symbolic of Catholic wedding gift ideas because it has layers of meaning. The intertwined wedding bands signify that what God (Jesus) has joined, let no man put asunder. But it also signifies being one in the Universal (Catholic) Church with God and the entire Christian family. Perhaps a leatherette covered Jerusalem Bible would be a lovely gift because it could be the family Bible to be passed down to their children and for generations to come with the other family Bibles still held in the family throughout several generations before them.
Holy Art Symbolic of the Weddings
Then, there is a whole body of holy art that is symbolic of the sacramental state of marriage. You could get a vertical resin and wood bas-relief sculptured wall hanging or you might want a hand painted rendition of the Wedding at Cana. This is a very important scripture in the Catholic faith and all couples are required to take what is referred to as “Pre-Cana Classes” prior to being married in the Church. The turning water into wine is seen as Jesus’ blood being new life within the Church family. It’s all symbolic but too connected to the death and resurrection to be a scripture collected in ‘chance.’ If you want to give your niece something special for her wedding in the Church, holy art symbolic of what weddings mean within the faith would be another ideal option to the gifts mentioned above.
One God the Father Uniting Many Expressions of Faith
The fact that you are so supportive of your niece will also add layers of meaning to any gift you decide on. While so many people view different faiths and denominations as “other than me,” you are telling your niece that you are “one with her under God in heaven” no matter how you describe your personal journey with the Lord. You are welcoming her and her new husband into a family of believers who share a common faith but differing ways of celebrating that faith.
That you took the time to consider what would be special to her shows just how sincere your love is. Your gift will truly be appreciated for the spirit in which it was given.